Nutrition before your colonoscopy


Nutrition before your colonoscopy - Practice Dr. Brand - Gastroenterology and Urology - Urologist - Gastroenterologist - in Planegg - Martinsried - Munich

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Search or filter for foods that you can still eat up to a certain day before your colonoscopy appointment. If you wish, you can print the results to create a personalized meal plan. Be consistent - optimal cleanliness is your contribution to high safety and quality.

* The 'Tag' column indicates, until when the respective food may last be consumed.
FoodstuffsGroupDay *Remark
PineappleFruit / Fruits5
Apple peeledFruit / Fruits2nur Fruchtfleisch, ohne Hülle und Kern
ApplesauceFruit / Fruits1
ApricotFruit / Fruits2should be well matured
ArtichokesVegetables6Avoid due to high fiber content
EggplantVegetables6Avoid because of the seeds it contains
AvocadoFruit / Fruits2should be well matured
BambooVegetables6Avoid due to high fiber content
BananaFruit / Fruits2Fibers must be removed!
PearFruit / Fruits3Schale und Kern entfernen
Leaf saladMiscellaneous5Lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, lamb's lettuce, Batavia lettuce
Cauliflower floretsVegetables4weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
BeansVegetables6please avoid because of cores
Roast cold cutsMeat / Fish1bitte in den letzten Tagen mager und fettarm
Pretzel Cereals / nuts2
Broccoli floretsVegetables4weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
BlackberriesFruit / Fruits6Vorsicht: enthalten kleine Kerne
Rolls with grainsCereals / nuts6
Rolls without grainsCereals / nuts1e.g. Kaisersemmel, milk roll
Butter, margarineDairy products1am Vortag nur noch wenig und fettarm
ButtermilkDairy products2
CashewCereals / nuts7
CornflakesCereals / nuts2
CouscousCereals / nuts4
CrepeCereals / nuts1
EggsDairy products2
Iron tablets (e.g. Ferro Sanol)Miscellaneous4Vorsicht: kann den Stuhlgang verfärben und hierdurch die Sicht erschweren
StrawberriesFruit / Fruits6Vorsicht: enthalten kleine Kerne
FigsFruit / Fruits6
FishMeat / Fish2Vorsicht: Gräten sorgfältig entfernen
MeatloafMeat / Fish1
Psyllium husksCereals / nuts4swelling
Fruit yogurtDairy products5Vorsicht: es dürfen keine Frucht-Körner enthalten sein!
Fruit juice clear / transparentDrinks0z.B. klarer Apfelsaft oder klarer Traubensaft
Fruit juice with pulpDrinks4
Cloudy fruit juiceDrinks2Vorsicht: kein Fruchtfleisch!
Pureed vegetable soupVegetables2please puree completely (!)
Fine spices Spices / sauces4Please grind very finely!
Coarse spicesSpices / sauces6
GrapefruitFruit / Fruits6
CucumbersFruit / Fruits6
Minced meatMeat / Fish3Give preference to lean cuts and low-fat preparation
Oat flakes "tender"Cereals / nuts1fine or gruel for babies
Wholemeal oat flakesCereals / nuts6
Oat milkDrinks1
HazelnutCereals / nuts7
RaspberriesFruit / Fruits6Vorsicht: enthalten kleine Kerne
Honeydew melonFruit / Fruits7
Chicken meatMeat / Fish2Give preference to lean cuts and low-fat preparation
CurrantsFruit / Fruits6Vorsicht: enthalten kleine Kerne
Carrots / CarrotsVegetables2weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
PotatoesMiscellaneous2Vorsicht: Schale entfernen (pellen), gut kochen bzw. dünsten
CheeseDairy products1am Vortag bitte nur noch wenig und fettarm
Chewing gumSweets0Achtung: zwei Stunden vor dem Termin verboten!
CookiesSweets1Important: without nuts or seeds!
KiwiFruit / Fruits7
CherryFruit / Fruits3
Clear meat stockMeat / Fish0
Clear vegetable stockVegetables0without insert
CeleriacVegetables2weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
KohlrabiVegetables4raw, cooked/pureed up to the 2nd day possible
HerbsSpices / sauces6
PumpkinVegetables4Remove the seeds! Only cooked, e.g. as soup
LeberkäseMeat / Fish1
GingerbreadSweets2Important: without nuts or seeds!
LinseedCereals / nuts7
MaizeCereals / nuts6difficult to digest
TangerineFruit / Fruits6
AlmondsCereals / nuts7
Almond milkDrinks1
MangoFruit / Fruits5should be well matured, avoid fibers!
Mango yogurtDairy products1
MelonFruit / Fruits7
Natural yogurtDairy products1only a little / low fat the day before
Brown riceCereals / nuts7
NectarineFruit / Fruits5should be well ripened, remove peel
White" pastaCereals / nuts2
OilsSpices / sauces1Sunflower oil, olive oil, walnut oil
OmeletteDairy products2
OrangeFruit / Fruits6
PaprikaVegetables6difficult to digest
ParsnipsVegetables2weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
PepperoniVegetables6difficult to digest
PancakesCereals / nuts1
PeachFruit / Fruits5should be well ripened, remove peel
MushroomsVegetables3only soft-boiled, e.g. mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms
PistachiosCereals / nuts7
French friesMiscellaneous2
Turkey meatMeat / Fish2Give preference to lean cuts and low-fat preparation
QuarkDairy products1only a little / low fat the day before
BeefMeat / Fish3Give preference to lean cuts and low-fat preparation
Red wineDrinks2
BeetVegetables3gekocht und püriert
SalamiMeat / Fish2bitte in den letzten Tagen mager und fettarm
Cooked hamMeat / Fish1bitte in den letzten Tagen mager und fettarm
ChocolateSweets2Important: without nuts or seeds!
PorkMeat / Fish3Give preference to lean cuts and low-fat preparation
SesameCereals / nuts7
Soy yogurtMiscellaneous1low fat only
Soy milkDrinks1
bean sproutsVegetables7difficult to digest
Sunflower seedsPulses7
AsparagusVegetables7Avoid due to high fiber content
TurnipVegetables6Avoid due to high fiber content
Fried eggDairy products2
SpinachVegetables4weich kochen, dünsten bzw. pürieren
CeleryVegetables6Avoid due to high fiber content
Fine spreadable sausageMeat / Fish1
TeaDrinks0only clear and transparent, especially during preparation
Wholemeal toastCereals / nuts5There must be no visible grains!
Toast whiteCereals / nuts1
TomatoesVegetables4Attention: contains small seeds
Tomato sauceVegetables2nur passierte Tomaten ohne kerne
Vanilla yogurtDairy products1
Wholemeal bread with grainsCereals / nuts6
Wholemeal bread without grainsCereals / nuts3Please make sure that absolutely no cores are visible.
Wholemeal pastaCereals / nuts3
WalnutCereals / nuts7
WatermelonFruit / Fruits7
GrapesFruit / Fruits7
White breadCereals / nuts1Please make sure that absolutely no cores are visible.
White wineDrinks1
Sausage fineMeat / Fish1e.g. yellow sausage or Lyonnaise
Coarse sausageMeat / Fish2
CigarettesMiscellaneous0Achtung: zwei Stunden vor dem Termin verboten!
PlaitCereals / nuts1without raisins!
ZucchiniVegetables6please avoid because of cores
RuskCereals / nuts1
OnionsVegetables6difficult to digest, flatulent