Prevention - Check-Up
Health is a prerequisite for your well-being. Many diseases have a preventable history. Through targeted prevention, i.e. preventive care, your health can be systematically maintained and preserved into old age.
Building blocks
Colorectal cancer screening and prostate cancer screening are effective measures.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) writes in the report "Cancer in Germany 2015/2016", page 19: "(...) A large part of the overall downward trend in cancer incidence rates is due to the favorable development in the Cancers of the stomach and intestines with Declines of more than 20 % in the last 10 years."
Furthermore, according to the German Cancer Society, the "Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute, around 63,400 new cases are diagnosed nationwide every year" German Cancer Society
Extended investigations
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, also kidneys, bladder, prostate, testicles, general laboratory diagnostics of blood and urine.
Colon cancer screening (colon carcinoma)
Colonoscopy is an effective measure for the prevention of colon cancer. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) writes in the report "Cancer in Germany 2015/2016", page 19: "(...) A large part of the overall downward trend in cancer incidence rates is due to the favorable trend in colonoscopies. Cancers of the stomach and intestines with declines by more than 20 % in the last 10 years.“
Test your risk of bowel cancer
Gastroenterology serves the Cancer prevention and clarification of complaints. The health of the digestive system is central to our general well-being.
Our Endoscopy is equipped with the latest technology from Olympus: HD technology, virtual chromoendoscopy, digital image archiving. On request, we can offer you the gentle procedure of CO2-insufflation to. Our qualified assistance staff enables the highest level of Hygiene and Security and a gentle twilight sleep.
Fascinating facts & figures
Good to know...
- the intestine has a Total length of approx. 6 to 8 meters (40 cm esophagus, approx. 40 cm stomach, approx. 450 cm small intestine, approx. 150 cm large intestine)
- the intestine has a Floor space of 300 - 500 square meters, as much as a large apartment building.
- Around 100 million Nerve cells are cross-linked in the intestinal walls.
- Living in the gut 100 trillion or 100,000,000,000,000 Bacteria in mostly peaceful coexistence - in comparison, the earth's current population of 7.7 billion is vanishingly small.
- Liquid food can pass through the intestine in just 30 minutes, provided it is not absorbed completely. Meat, on the other hand, can take up to 12 hours.
Colon cancer screening (colon carcinoma)
Why prevention?
Information page of the gastrointestinal doctors
When should I start screening?
Men from the age of 50
Women from the age of 55
Prematurely at Familial and genetic risk
Clarification of complaints
- General weakness, weight loss, anemia, iron deficiency
- Nausea, vomiting, swallowing disorders (dysphagia), heartburn, reflux with unexplained chronic cough, hoarseness
- Diarrhea (diarrhea), constipation (constipation), flatulence (meteorism)
- Abdominal pain
- Stool irregularities
- Pain, burning or itching in the anus
- Black stool (so-called tarry stool), fresh blood in the stool and on the toilet paper (hematochezia), hidden blood (iFOBT, outdated hemoccult)
Counseling - therapy of typical clinical pictures
- Cancers of the digestive tractIntestinal cancer (colon carcinoma), stomach cancer (gastric carcinoma), liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), bile duct and gallbladder tumors (cholangiocellular carcinoma) and pancreatic cancer (pancreatic carcinoma).
- Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and microscopic colitis
- Round hearths in the liver, kidneys and pancreas
- Diverticular disease: Diverticulosis, diverticulitis
- Hemorrhoids
- Stomach inflammation (gastritis) and Ulcers (ulcer), Helicobacter pylori, atrophy and vitamin B12 deficiency
- Immune-mediated inflammation of the esophagus (eosinophilic esophagitis), Dysfunction of the smooth esophageal muscles (achalasia)
- Food intolerance (intolerance of disaccharides): Lactose, fructose
- Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)
- Colonization of the small intestine
- Intestinal infections
- Liver inflammation and infection (hepatitis)
Diagnostics - Interventions: Flexible HD video endoscopy
- Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy, ileocolonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy
- Removal of polyps: potential colorectal cancer precursors (Polypectomy)
- Gastroscopy: Gastroscopy, esophago-gastroduodenoscopy (OGD)
- CO2-insufflation: Carbon dioxide colonoscopy
- Certified hygiene and disinfection of the devices
- Gentle twilight sleep (sedation)
Diagnostics - Interventions: Rigid HD video endoscopy
- Rectoscopy: Proctoscopy or rectoscopy
- Hemorrhoid treatmentby rubber bands (Barron ligature) or sclerosing agents (sclerotherapy)
Further diagnostics
- Hydrogen (H2) breath testIntolerance to milk sugar (lactose intolerance) Fructose (fructose intolerance) or small intestine colonization
- Ultrasound of the abdomen (Abdominal sonography)
- Stool examination: Bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, viruses, hidden blood (iFOBT)
- Laboratory examination
Urology includes the prevention and treatment of pathological changes in the urinary and urinary tract organs of Man and Woman (i.e. kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra) slike the Sexual organs of the man (prostate, penis, testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles).
Note on insurance
Fortunately, insured persons covered by statutory health insurance (GKV) can also be treated from January 1, 2023. Unfortunately, not all modern urology services are covered by the so-called standardized evaluation scale (EBM), which is fully covered by private health insurance companies.
However, you have the option of using so-called Individual health services (IGeL) to obtain these: Examples are: the PSA value (prostate specific antigen), organ ultrasound including the prostate, the preliminary clarification of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or the HD cystoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging (NBI).
Cancer prevention
When should I start prostate screening?
- Men from the age of 45
- prematurely in the case of familial and genetic risk
What preventive examinations do we offer?
- PSA determination in the blood (prostate-specific antigen) (specialist laboratory)
- Digital rectal examination (DRU)
- Urine analysis for blood and biomarkers (e.g. bladder cancer screening maker BTA stat)
- Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and testicles
- Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
Clarification of complaints
- Burning or pain when urinating and in the urethra (dysuria)
- Lower abdominal pain, flank pain, pelvic floor pain
- Blood in the urine (hematuria)
- Urinary incontinence in women and men
- Difficult urination (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH)
- Frequent urge to urinate (urge symptoms)
- Testicular pain and swelling
Counseling - therapy of typical clinical pictures
- Urological cancers: Prostate carcinoma, bladder carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, penile carcinoma and testicular carcinoma with their diagnostics, therapy, aftercare and genetic counseling
- Clarification of benign changes: Enlargement of the prostate, abnormalities of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, testicles and penis
- Chronic and acute urinary tract infections
- Urinary stone disease
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Diagnostics - Interventions
- Sonography of the bladder, prostate, kidneys, testicles with color-coded Doppler sonography and transrectal ultrasound
- Digital flexible urethrocystoscopy (urethro-bladder endoscopy)
- High-resolution flexible HD urethrocystoscopy with NBI technology (Narrow Band Imaging) Further information (external link from Olympus®)
- Urinalysis: urine sticks, urine sediment (in specialist laboratory)
- Microbiological examination and resistance determination of urine, ejaculate, smears (in the specialist laboratory)
- Urine cytology (Pathology of the University Hospital Munich LMU)
Sexual medicine
- Impotence (erectile dysfunction). Please note that the costs are not usually covered by statutory health insurance and that the assessment and therapy are part of the individual health services. (IGeL) belongs.
- Premature ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox). Please note that the costs are not usually covered by statutory health insurance and that the assessment and treatment are part of the individual health services. (IGeL) belongs.
- ! Please note: No clarification of unfulfilled desire to have children. We do not currently analyze spermiograms.
Please note that we none pediatric urological examinations. Please contact the designated specialist centers for this.