Dear patients,
As of October 2023, there is unfortunately a long waiting time for an appointment for a hydrogen breath test of approx. 5 months. On the one hand, this is due to the very high demand for a dedicated clarification for lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance or small intestine mal-colonization (SIBO), and on the other hand due to a rapidly dwindling supply as a result of the health economic framework conditions justified.
Understandably, fewer and fewer colleagues are offering this very costly and time-consuming testingt, which is currently 8,93 € in the service catalog (EBM) by the statutory health insurers Far underfunded is. As you can well imagine, the 3 hours of personal supervision per test, the highly sensitive and expensive device and the consumables are out of all proportion. It should also be mentioned that a voluntary additional payment or billing as a hedgehog unfortunately leads to criminal liability on our part and is therefore not possible.
This is a good example of the lack of appreciation for the maintenance of high-quality care - please also note the current Protest actions.
We are currently trying to continue offering you this important diagnostic service as far as possible. However, we apologize for the fact that we are unable to expand capacity further under the current circumstances.