Your practice


Who we are - Our philosophy

Our philosophy - your treatment

Empathy - trust - transparency

Trust requires time - we take this time to discuss diagnoses and treatment options with you in a clear and transparent manner. We make the decision about treatment together with you.

Competence - Quality

Your treatment is based on fact-based medicine and the latest scientific findings. Thanks to our treatment focus and the exchange with your family doctor, we can work comprehensively and in an interdisciplinary manner. Your individual treatment plan thus remains in one hand.

Technology - Hygiene

We are equipped with the latest generation of equipment from Olympus. For your safety, we guarantee hygienic and technical reprocessing of the devices to the highest level.

Prevention instead of repair medicine

Health is a prerequisite for your well-being. Many illnesses have a preventable history. Through targeted prevention, i.e. preventive care, your health can be systematically maintained and preserved into old age. Many serious illnesses can be prevented or at least their effects alleviated if risks are identified at an early stage. Established components include colonoscopy, urological tumor markers and examinations, adjustment of blood pressure and blood sugar, improvement of lifestyle and diet.

Sustainability - Environmental protection

High hygiene requirements often stand in contrast to sustainability and environmental protection. However, we strive to resolve this contradiction as far as possible through efficiency and intelligent separation systems.

"Making the sensible and necessary as pleasant as possible."

Our team

Dr. med. Volker Brand

Dr. med. Volker Brand

Specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology

Specialist in internal medicine

Additional qualification in emergency medicine

DEGUM Sonography

Clinical activity

LMU Munich, Gastroenterology, CÄ Prof. J. Mayerle

LMU Munich, Medical Clinic IV, CA Prof. M. Reincke

Augustinum Clinic Munich, Gastroenterology, CA PD T. Gerlach


TU Munich, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Prof. G. Häcker


University of Freiburg

Technical University of Munich

Abroad: - New York City, USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Dublin, Ireland - Hong Kong SAR - Zurich, Switzerland

Scholarships: - Foundation of German Business (SDW) - Carl Duisberg Foundation (Bayer)

Dr. med. Kora Brand

Dr. med. Kora Brand

Specialist in urology

Psychosomatic basic care

DEGUM Sonography


Clinical activity

LMU Munich, Urology Clinic and Polyclinic, CA Prof. Stief


University of Hamburg, Martini Clinic Prostate Cancer Center, Prof. M. Graefen


University of Hamburg-Eppendorf

University of Marburg

Abroad: Beijing, China - Cairo, Egypt

Dr. med. Angelika Renner

Dr. med. Angelika Renner

Specialist in urology

Employed doctor

Outpatient activity

Urology practices Dr. M. Idzikowski and Dr. U. Hell, Haar

Urology practice Dr. P. Mayer, Munich

Clinical activity

LMU Munich, Urology Clinic, CA Prof. Hofstetter

Dresden Municipal Hospital


LMU Munich, Urology Clinic, CA Prof. Hofstetter


University of Dresden

University of Jena

Daniela R.

Daniela R.

Med. Specialist

Miriam M.

Miriam M.

Med. Specialist employee, business administrator, hygiene officer

  • Still to be defined
  • Still to be defined
Aylin K.

Aylin K.

Med. Specialist

Carmen C.

Carmen C.

Med. Medical assistant (retired)

  • Endoscopy specialist
Mandy A.

Mandy A.

Med. Medical assistant (retired)

  • Apprentices
Mandy M.

Mandy M.

Medical assistant

  • Apprentices


all insurances
all insurances


Blood collection - sobriety: Do I have to be sober for a blood sample?

This depends on which values are to be examined. For example, fasting is not required if only blood coagulation or blood count is to be checked. Measurements of the blood sugar, the Blood lipids or from certain Hormones on the other hand, depend on food intake, so that you can please 6 hours should not eat anything before taking the sample. If you are unsure, please call us.

First presentation - important information: What do I need to consider? Do I need a referral? What documents should I bring with me?

In order for us to be allowed to treat you, patients with statutory health insurance must your valid health insurance card once a quarter required. 

One Bank transfer enables a seamless treatment or cooperation with your family doctor and is therefore recommended.

Please bring your current List of medications and all relevant preliminary findings withsuch as doctor's letters and hospital discharge reports.

Arriving by car: Are there parking facilities nearby?

Yes, for more information please click here.

Accessibility - toilets: I am immobile and cannot climb stairs. Is there an elevator? Is there an accessible toilet?

Our practice on the 2nd floor can be equipped with two elevators can be reached by car. Access is also possible directly from the underground parking garage.

There are ladies' and men's toilets in the practice. The Barrier-free toilet is in the basement of the medical center.

Pick-ups - waiting for relatives: I have an endoscopic examination. Where can my relatives or those collecting me wait?

The place to Waiting for relatives or persons collecting the patient is primarily for compliance with the currently applicable distance rules limited. However, they can leave their telephone number so that we can contact them immediately at the end of the examination.


We answer your questions

Waiting area

Your fresh coffee, tea and reading material

Reception room

Discreet conversations