Opening 1.7.2020 - Extended range

Dear patients, 

On 1.7.2020, after a year of planning and construction, we will open our New practice in the Martinsried medical center.

Dr. Volker Brand is an internist and Gastroenterologistwho worked for 10 years at the University Hospitals of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Campus Innenstadt Ziemssenstraße and Großhadern. In the last year, Dr. Brand worked in preparation for his establishment in gastroenterological practices in and around Munich in freelance cooperation with, for example, the practice of Dr. Höchter and Prof. Schnurr, the Starnberg Endoscopy Centre Dr. Eisenlohr, the Harlaching Gastro Practice Dr. Frankenberger and Dr. Nader. 

Dr. Kora Brand is experienced Urologistwho has worked at Klinikum Großhadern since 2011, has been a senior consultant in the urology outpatient clinic since 2019. She will continue to work in this role at the Urology Clinic, but will also offer private consultations at our practice in Martinsried.

We look forward to your visit

Dr. Kora Brand and Dr. Volker Brand 

June 7, 2020